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Karen Smith Parry

"We" are technically a "me", Karen Parry, a girl from North Vancouver, BC. I do have many people who chip in and help me from time to time so if things keep going the way they are, I'll officially be a "we" very soon.

My parents died way too early of both cancer (my mom) and ALS (my dad) and though I know genetics play a roll in many cases of each, I also know environmental elements participate too. When I had three sons of my own, I became somewhat paranoid about the possibility I would receive a similar fate to them so I began investigating things that I could do to make my life a little bit longer. This effort was mostly food focused though.

I am a true tomboy at heart so beauty products were never really on my radar. Beginning in my teen years, I loved make-up and putting it on to get ready for a night on the town but I never moisturized or took any kind of care of my skin. I have actually slept with my makeup on most nights of my life. As I approached my mid 40's a light went on. I was aging quickly and closing in on the internal deadline I had for myself because of the fate both my parents faced. I became determined to turn that narrative around in my head (and in reality) and so I started looking for clean products. Now THAT wasn't so hard. Finding clean products that actually work? Not as easy a task as you might think.

Around this time, I was approaching 20 years in the beauty industry on the wholesaling side and I started noticing a huge ground swell of interest in the clean beauty industry. With that trend, e-commerce businesses on the rise and my entrepreneurial spirit, I had the basic but necessary factors to create Industry. I seek clean brands, offering incredible results and make them available to you.

Some of our brands have been globally recognized and I hope all of our brands reach that kind of success. They all deserve it.

*Photo by Rebekah Logan